Theme for March

This meeting will be our first meeting for the year of 2015. It will be great to see you all on the first meeting of the new year. This will be a relatively informal first meeting. We have some members who have already offered to play. We should have some pieces available for our guitar orchestra as well. Any one else who has something to play would be very welcome. It could be a future or previous exam piece for example. Or just something you have been working on recently. See you there this coming Sunday for more enjoyable guitar
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Theme for December 2014

This meeting will be our annual Christmas Concert. At 2pm the guitar orchestra will have a practise play through the program They will be playing the following pieces: Pavane – Mille Ducas Gaillarde Ronde Meridian Baby Elephant walk Milonga del Angel Lacrimae It would be great if all members of the group could be there on time so we can get through this practise promptly. Remember your music, and a music stand. Remember to do a bit of practise before hand. Remember what group you are in.   Then at 2.30 the Christmas concert will begin. Please, please, please ….
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Program for – Sunday, 2nd November 2014

The program for November is: Our normal ensemble get- together.  This is our last rehearsal before the Christmas concert. The  Christmas concert will feature our group playing the following pieces: Pavane Gaillarde Ronde Meridian Baby Elephant Walk Milonga Lachrimae Please practice your parts and remember which part you are on. We have  the music group booklet.  Get your own personal copy as soon as you pay your society fees. See below on how to do that.   Get the pleasure and musical benefit from being part of this exciting group. – Please bring a music stand for your music and your
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